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Claim Hallowen Items [Permanent]

Tools :

1. Claim items for free
2. No need to collect dolls

1. This hack is applicable only for players with lower tokens or zero tokens.
2. Real tokens must be lower than the price of an item you want to claim

1. Drop swf file to fiddler (autoresponder tab)
2. Clear browser's cache or click "Clear Cache" on fiddler
3. Force traffic to fiddler (firefox users)
4. Log in to Ninja Saga
5. Enter Shop and claim Emblem and 2000 tokens (not permanent)
6. Proceed to Halloween Doll Exchange and buy any item you want.
7. Once you bought an item, you are required to refresh the page.(may encounter error screen)
8. Your real tokens will not reduce and the item is saved on your inventory
9. Repeat the same procedure to claim another item.

Note: Claim items one at a time.

Bahasa Indonesia

 Cara Penggunaan :
  • Kalian masuk ke Shop dulu, lalu beli Emblem+2000 Token palsu. Setelah itu kalian tinggal pilih icon Hallowen, lalu kalian tinggal membeli barang Hallowen yang kalian inginkan. Nanti akan terjadi Error/Shin akan muncul tapi tidak apa-apa, refresh browser kalian. Lalu lihatlah di bagian Gear, barang yang sudah di beli bisa di gunakan. Ulangi langkah di atas untuk mendapatkan semua barang Hallowen, termasuk jutsu. Cheat ini PERMANENT !!

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